Virtual reality and its effects in the education industry

واقعیت مجازی VR

Virtual reality (VR) is considered one of the achievements that has become well known in recent years and its use has become popular in various fields. One of the fields in which virtual reality can have a significant impact is the education industry. This technology can be used as a powerful tool in the teaching and learning process, and due to its growing changes, it can become one of the main methods of education in the coming years.

Time needed to study: 10 minutes

Virtual reality has received a lot of attention from users due to its favorable effects in education. This technology has very positive effects, and in this article, we will examine this issue from Marlikup website, one of the best virtual reality companies.

What are the effects of virtual reality in the education industry?

By creating a real environment, this technology allows the audience to communicate interactively with the environment and the desired object. Virtual reality has many roles in different fields such as; Education, health, entertainment and etc. In the following, we will discuss some of the effects of virtual reality in the education industry:


virtual reality
virtual reality


  • Increasing interaction and group activities:

Using virtual reality allows students to communicate with each other and do group activities simultaneously in a common environment. This situation increases interaction and encourages students to cooperate with each other during learning.

  • Reducing educational costs:

This technology helps a lot in reducing the cost of educational equipment, and also the user can access education anytime and anywhere by using virtual reality.

Considering all the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality, this technology can be mentioned as an effective tool in the education industry.


Also read: Ways to make money from virtual reality Methods Of Making Money From Virtual Reality

virtual reality
virtual reality


What kind of subjects can be taught using virtual reality?

In general, virtual reality has many possibilities for transferring various skills. In the following, we will mention some subjects that can be taught using virtual reality technology:

1. Medicine and health:

Virtual reality can be mentioned as a useful tool in medical and health education due to its high capabilities. You can use this new technology to develop various skills such as: Surgery, disease diagnosis and emergency skills training

2. language teaching:

This technology can be known as a useful tool in teaching foreign languages. By using this technology, it is possible to strengthen students’ listening and speaking skills, vocabulary and conversation practice.

3. Principles of speech:

In teaching the principles of speech through virtual reality, you can use the educational content of virtual reality, which includes various exercises, such as: Practicing how to speak in front of people, breathing and communicating with the audience

Now Marlikup company will help you to face your speaking challenges by presenting and building a virtual reality application and improve your performance by repeating and practicing in that simulated environment.


virtual reality
Management skills training


Can virtual reality be useful in teaching business-related skills?

Virtual reality can easily be useful in teaching business-related skills. Because by using this technology, different concepts and skills can be taught to students in an interactive way.

Some of the topics that are used in business education using virtual reality are:

  • Management skills:

By using virtual reality, the following concepts and management skills can be taught: Planning, human resource management, project management and financial management to students and entrepreneurs.

  • Marketing and sales:

Through this technology, an interactive environment can be created to teach sales and marketing skills. This environment can include interactive exercises and virtual realities that introduce users to concepts and techniques related to sales and marketing.

  • product design:

By using this new technology, it is possible to teach students and entrepreneurs skills related to product design.

Can you give an example of business training with virtual reality?

One of the real practical examples of business training using virtual reality is project management skills training. You can easily experience all project management processes in a simulated environment as a project manager.

You can also plan, budget, monitor and control the project using various tools and communicate with all members of the project team, including engineers, operators, manufacturers, suppliers and customers, if it was necessary, and solve problems in a team.


virtual reality
Management skills training


Is virtual reality useful for teaching individual skills?

Virtual reality can be very useful for teaching individual skills such as communication skills. In fact, by using it, students can be helped to increase their communication skills in an experimental and simulated way.

For example, virtual reality can help students practice in different communication situations, such as negotiations, job interviews or classrooms. By using this technology, it is possible to show simulated environments of these situations to students and encourage them to practice in these environments.

Is virtual reality better than traditional methods in education?

To answer this question, it should be said that both methods of education, i.e. virtual reality and traditional methods, have their advantages and disadvantages and each is suitable for certain conditions.

Traditional methods include classroom, reading books and writing exercises and are more suitable for learning theoretical concepts and help students to learn concepts theoretically. But, these methods for learning practical and experimental skills such as: Medical skills are not effective.

On the other hand, virtual reality for learning practical and experimental skills such as: Medical, engineering, etc. skills are very efficient. By using virtual reality, students can improve their skills and achieve better and deeper learning in a practical and experimental way.

In general, both methods of education, i.e. virtual reality and traditional, have their advantages and disadvantages, and depending on the type of subject and the purpose of education, one of these two solutions is better for specific conditions. However, the combination of these two can help students improve their skills theoretically and practically.


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Management skills training


Also read: Applications of virtual reality in education and learning


Introducing an example of virtual reality applications in the education

Many virtual reality applications are designed for different types of training, which we will introduce below:

  • Visiting different places: Google Expeditions
  • language teaching: VR language learning
  • Mathspace VR
  • Alchemy VR
  • Mondly VR
Final words

The use of virtual reality in education brings many positive effects, including: Raising the level of learning, maintaining attention and concentration, increasing student interaction with educational content, strengthening memory and visualization, reducing the cost of education, etc. Using this technology helps students to learn concepts well.

Marlikup, one of the most experienced virtual reality companies, has recently presented an application that allows you to easily practice speaking in a simulated environment and improve your skills day by day. To get more information about creating a virtual reality application with advanced features, contact our consultants.

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